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Concerning the duration of the oral presentations : 18 minutes of presentation followed by 7 minutes of questions

    Download the complete program here

Forewords of the AIESEP President, the Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee and the Chairwoman of the Scientific Committee of the 2017 AIESEP World Conference.




Marc Cloes

AIESEP President

Dear participants,

My first words are for those who have been affected by the disaster provoked by the hurricanes that hurt the Caribbean Islands and destroyed these idyllic territories. Following such tragedies, assistance is needed to help victims to cope with the reconstruction of their communities and of all of the infrastructures that are necessary to our daily lives.

In this stressful context, through traditional games and sports, physical activity can play a valuable role in helping to provide positive experiences and build resilience. Physical educators might become key actors in this process. Despite difficult conditions and circumstances, they may play an important societal role by implementing some psychosocial ‘sport’ programs which may be of benefit. Physical education, physical activity and sport are implemented in wide-ranging contexts around the world and involve a diversity of teaching practices which must be matched to circumstances.

AIESEP is officially defined as a multilingual and multicultural association and anyone who has attended one of our scientific events has realised that the heart of the Association beats thanks to the involvement of researchers from all continents and all areas of sport pedagogy. Diverse cultures, disciplines, and interactions are always at the center of exchanges between participants.

The 2017 International Conference in Guadeloupe will focus on the evolution of the teaching of physical education and sports activities in a world where diversity is increasingly recognised. In addition to the quality scientific programme, the organisers of the congress will offer participants the unique experience of discovering local traditions and magical landscapes.

On behalf of all AIESEP members, I am happy to welcome you to AIESEP 2017.


 Amade escot

Chantal Amade-Escot

Chairwoman of the Scientific committee

Dear participants, colleagues and friends

As the chair of the scientific committee of the 2017 AIESEP World Conference, I am delighted to welcome all participants from all over the world to Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, French Caribbean Territory.

Last year during AIESEP World Congress in Laramie, the venue of this conference appeared to be a big challenge as well as a tremendous project. Despite the disastrous climatic events that recently affected Guadeloupe and many other Caribbean Islands, I am happy to say that the challenge has been met. I want to deeply thank Marie-Paule Poggi and her team for the wonderful work done over the last year. I am also very pleased that the preconference program, held on Monday 6 November, opened up a fruitful relationship between ARIS (the francophone research association on sport pedagogy) and the AIESEP world community. My wish is for this initiative to continue in the next years to come.

The 2017 AIESEP Conference Theme: ‘Cultures, Disciplines, Interactions: Contextualizing Diversity in Physical Activities and Physical education’ addresses a major issue for Sport Pedagogy and Physical Education futures. In this time of globalization and commodification of Education we, researchers and pedagogists, have to discuss and question false evidence with the purpose to construct jointly with practitioners and educational actors the critical knowledge needed to re-define opportunities and challenges for a more inclusive sport pedagogy, to increase teacher and coach education, and to re-frame policies that overtake economical, social and multicultural inequities affecting Education nowadays. Looking at the quality and the geographical diversity of the presentations scheduled during this Conference, I am fully confident that the reflection and discussion we are going to share during this week will help in increasing and enhancing our vision for more equality and in re-engaging political perspectives in sport and physical education by re-presenting the values, experiences, tensions and dilemmas of people within education. Therefore I would like to thank each of the participants of this conference for their input and contributions to the program.

On behalf of the scientific committee members, I am happy to welcome you to 2017 AIESEP World Conference.



Marie-Paule Poggi

Chairwoman of the Organizing committee

Dear participants,

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my great pleasure to welcome you in Guadeloupe to the 2017 AIESEP World Conference. As you may know, we work together with our partners, the University of Franche Comté, the University of Créteil and the University of La Réunion that worked with us for this organization. We thank all the members of the organizing committee without whom nothing would have been possible.

We are expecting 214 researchers from 23 countries. Two hundred seventy-eight (278) abstracts have been and I thank Chantal Amade Escot, chair of the Scientific Committee, and all its members for working very hard in apraising all these contributions. One hundred five (105) oral presentation, 61 posters and 14 symposia will be finally presented..

It is our honor to host four keynote speakers: Cécilia Borges, Peter Hastie, Marc Theeboom and Cheryl Walter, all of whom having exceptional knowledge and experience in their specific field of research about this year’s theme, « Cultures, Disciplines, Interactions: Contextualizing Diversity in Physical Activities and Physical education ». The purpose is to provide an opportunity to enhance dialogues between various viewpoints and perspectives with regards to the future of physical education and sport activities in relation to cultures, identities and diversities. The deliberation shall revolve around these four topics: Treatment of Diversity in Pedagogy, The Fight Against Inequalities, the Construction of Cultural Competencies in Teacher and Coach Education and The Design of Inclusions Policies in Physical Education and Sport Practices.

We hope that these 4-day event will yield engaging discussions between researchers from all over the world, and that we will be able to share our research results on Sport Pedagogy and Physical Education field.

I wish all participants an enjoyable stay and a productive interaction during this conference.

Welcome to Guadeloupe, « Terre de champions » !