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Keynote Speakers


Cécilia Borges (University of Montréal, Canada)

Cecilia Borges is a titular professor at the Faculté de sciences de l’éducation de l’Université de Montréal. She is in charge of the physical and health education undergrad degree and responsible for the practicum curriculum of this formation. Her field of research cover :

  • Teacher’s Knowledge and teacher’s practices
  • Teacher education (theoretical and practical)
  • Class management in physical education and teacher’s collaboration

She is conducting a longitudinal study, funded by the SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Concil), in physical education about the evolution and transformation of knowledge within a context of professional insertion amongst physical and health education teacher.

Abstract (Sub-theme 3 : Cultural Competencies in Teacher Education)

Teachers Knowledge and Cultural Competencies in Teacher Education

Facing the intensification of migratory flows, teachers from Quebec and all over the world now work with students with a much more diverse ethnic background than what we have previously observed. Acknowledging that this diversity is an asset, it still brings a whole lot of challenges for teachers. For example, what do they know about their student’s cultural background? In Quebec, teacher education is oriented toward the idea of the teacher being a cultural mediator. What does that mean exactly? What kind of mediation are we talking about, and more importantly, how does that orientation affect teacher education? The research conducted on the teacher’s knowledge and skills enlighten us on what to teach – subject matter, pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge related to Shulman’s categories – but much less on to whom we teach. More importantly, our knowledge of the cultural aspect related to teaching students from diverse background has been scarcely touched.

The purpose of this presentation is to address the role of health and physical education teacher education (HETE & PETE) programs on delivering knowledge and skills related to cultural dimension. In addition, the concept and attributes of cultural mediator will be discussed in the HETE and PETE contexts.


Peter Hastie (Auburn University, United-States)

Professor Peter Hastie is a Wayne T. Smith Distinguished Professor in the School of Kinesiology at Auburn University in the United States. His area of specialty is Sport Education, having written numerous research papers and books examining the model. His latest text, Sport Education: International Perspectives, provides a new way of summarizing the research on Sport Education beyond those reviews currently in academic journals. Professor Hastie is a co-editor of the journal Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, and is on the editorial board of a number of journals including the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.

Abstract (Sub-theme 1 : Diversity in Physical Education and Sport: Opportunities and Challenges for Sport Pedagogy)

Promoting inclusion in physical education

This presentation will provide an overview as well as a summary of completed research on specific projects for promoting the inclusion of all students within physical education settings. These will be in the form of case studies where the environment has been modified to provide access for all students to be successful. Sample cases include development mastery motivational climates for young children, interventions to promote participatory democracy, explorations of the efficacy of graded competition, as well as the presentation of high autonomy climates within upper school physical education. The presentation will follow a strengths-based approach, grounded in the key principles of appreciate inquiry. As such, the presentation will include the identification of success and then exploring what, when, why and how that success was achieved, and how this understanding might provide a plan for future performance experiences. For each case, identification will be made of the “peak moments” which made essential contributions towards inclusion within that particular setting.


Marc Theeboom (Vrij Universiteit Brussel)

Marc Theeboom holds a PhD in Sport and Movement Sciences and a Master’s degree in Adult Educational Sciences. He works as a full professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (VUB). He is the current chair of the Research Group ‘Sport and Society’. His research primarily focuses on policy-related and educational aspects of sport in general and in relation to specific target groups in particular. He has a special interest in the analysis and evaluation of ‘sport for development’ programs in which sport is regarded as a means of personal, social and community development. More information:

Abstract (Sub-theme 4 : Inclusion Policies within Sport Practices)

Some alternative facts on inclusion and sport

This presentation will elaborate on two inclusion perspectives in relation to sport. On the one hand, it will focus on the extent to which there is actual ‘inclusion in sport’ for all. Because, despite active sport-for-all policies during the past decades in many countries around the globe, to date, participation studies often report low sport involvement among specific vulnerable groups (such as people in poverty, ethnic minorities, etc.). These findings seem to illustrate the existence of exclusionary mechanisms in relation to particular segments of the population, often also characterized, among other things, by low socio-economic and professional status. On the other hand, it will also look at the extent to which there is ‘inclusion through sport’. Because, despite the widespread trust in the ‘good of sport’, where sport is increasingly associated with a variety of personal and societal outcomes clearly exceeding the sport context, the cumulative evidence base for this impact of sport remains very weak at present.


Cheryl Michelle Walter (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South-Africa)

Prof Cheryl Walter is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Human Movement Science at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Her research focuses on the understanding and promoting of physical activity for health, especially among school children, and more generally among women and girls from marginalized communities. In 2010, she initiated a project called PasSPORT to Health which promotes physical activity and sport at disadvantaged schools in the Port Elizabeth area. More recently, she has been involved in the project management and research of the Disease, Activity and Schoolchildren’s Health project (DASH), an international collaboration between NMMU, the University of Basel in Switzerland and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.

Abstract (Sub-theme 2 : Learner Identities within Physical Education and Sport : Overtaking Inequities)

Lessons from South Africa: fractures in the rainbow

Twenty years ago, South Africa under the leadership of Nelson Mandela, was being celebrated for the birth of its democracy and for reconciliation. However, it is still plagued by its apartheid past. Regarded as the most unequal country in the world, the gap between rich and poor is widening, impacting negatively on schools and communities. This is also evident in relation to physical education, where the inequities ‒ rooted in apartheid and related to race, socio-economic status, gender and cultural differences (with people still divided by old apartheid classifications) ‒have detrimental effects on children’s health and well-being. This paper provides a narrative of the complexities around physical education in schools: the consequences of apartheid, the post-apartheid challenges, and strategies being implemented to overcome inequities.